Search for Fallen Firefighters on the Memorial Wall

William Dallas Jones

Department: Los Angeles County

Deceased: May 10, 2008

William Dallas Jones Dallas Jones leaves behind a true legacy in the fire service, both as a leader and as a giant in the labor movement. His 32-year career was spent serving the Los Angeles County Fire Department and Local 1014, where he guided the group as its president and helped it flourish as one of the most influential unions in the state. In 1999, he was tapped by Governor Gray Davis to serve as the Director of the state's Office of Emergency Services. For over two decades, Dallas served the California Professional Firefighters, first as 2nd District Vice President and then as Secretary-Treasurer, the post that he held until his death of job-related cancer.

On the Memorial

Located in Sacramento, the California Firefighters Memorial immortalizes the names of those lost in the line of duty. Learn more ยป

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