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The California Firefighters Memorial is a lasting tribute to the men and women who gave their lives to protect their fellow Californians.
Click the name of a fallen firefighter to see where their name is engraved on the wall. The date following their name is the date of death.
- Tannahill, Robert L. (04/05/2005)
- Tarquinio, Fred (04/01/1993)
- Taylor, David Michael (05/23/2018)
- Taylor, Deems T. (07/24/2003)
- Taylor, Douglas Drew (07/30/2010)
- Taylor, Durwood (03/15/1957)
- Taylor, John O. (01/01/1978)
- Taylor, Ray (01/01/1930)
- Taylor, Thomas G. (01/28/1981)
- Teague, George Martin (05/12/1999)
- Teising, John (11/28/1854)
- Tennant, John (12/13/2013)
- Tenney, Charles Leroy (07/25/1963)
- Teran, Eduardo B. (11/05/2005)
- Thatcher, Tamara (11/26/2019)
- Thomas, Clarence (09/22/1922)
- Thomas, George A. (01/01/1968)
- Thomas, Leon C. (02/09/2000)
- Thomas, Matthew P. (11/03/1929)
- Thomas, Sara Felix (01/31/2017)
- Thompson, Ewart F. (02/09/2003)
- Thompson, Johnny (01/21/1999)
- Thompson, Michael C. (09/20/1996)
- Tilson, Warren E. (08/14/1965)
- Timms, Jeffery Ladd (12/02/2017)
- Todd, Glenn A. (12/05/1947)
- Todtenbier, Rickey L. (07/28/1986)
- Toenjes, Fred W. (04/08/1935)
- Tolbert, Mark A. (05/19/2019)
- Toler, Richard L. (03/14/1977)
- Tolle, Earl Dewey (12/05/1985)
- Tomaselli, Vance Roland (02/21/2008)
- Tooley, Michael J. (11/16/2022)
- Toomey, Tracy Dolan (01/10/1999)
- Torres, Salvador A. (01/01/1982)
- Travers, Hugh J. (11/23/1947)
- Traweek, Crawley (10/09/1992)
- Tree, Harry (06/01/1929)
- Tremaine, Franck W. (01/10/2015)
- Tripodi, John Bruno (02/23/2011)
- Troncale, Andy Michael (01/23/2012)
- Turbeville, R. Bruce (04/11/2021)
- Turner, Gregory Paul (08/23/2011)
- Turner, Sekou Iman (05/22/2002)
- Tyner, Terrill Lee (07/13/1998)